Welcome to GrassWorks!

GrassWorks is a grassroots membership organization that provides leadership and education to farmers and consumers for the advancement of managed grass-based agriculture to benefit present and future generations. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, GrassWorks links farmers with the resources they need to be successful graziers.

Managed Grazing is an economically and environmentally sound method of livestock agriculture. For nearly thirty years, managed grazing has been a foundation of the sustainable agriculture movement in the upper Midwest and we are proud of the role that GrassWorks has played in its development. We provide leadership, education and resources for grass-based farmers and regional organizations that support graziers.

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Join the Wisconsin Schools of Grazing!

WI Schools of Grazing Graphic - People (1)

These two-day, intensive workshops will provide opportunities for in-depth discussions, field exercises, and reference materials that cover both livestock and agroecological topics related to grazing.

Marshfield Agricultural Research Station
August 9th and 10th, 2024

Station Lancaster Agricultural Research Station
September 27th and 28th, 2024

Topics Include:

  • Principles of Managed Grazing
  • Soil health and pasture productivity
  • Graziers Math
  • Setting up a paddock for Ag Research Station herd!
  • Fencing, watering, and equipment demonstrations
  • Funding opportunities
  • Animal genetics and herd health
  • Establishing and Renovating pastures
  • Planning your own system
  • And more!

See Full Agenda Here


Become a Member Today

Show your support for managed grazing, GrassWorks, and all the great work the organization and it's farmer-members do! Looking to get more involved?  Feel free to reach out to the GrassWorks Board and Staff, and we'd be happy to have your input and connect you to opportunities and resources!

Learn, Volunteer, Connect

See the many ways you can contribute to, learn about, and grow grass-based agriculture including:

  • Hands-on Grazing Schools
  • Grazing Mentorship Program
  • Volunteering with GrassWorks
  • Professional Training
  • Membership
Annual Picnic 2015

Ask a Grazier!

Do you have a grazing question or conundrum? Or maybe you have some advice or experience to share.

Ask-a-Grazier Groups provide a resource for more information about fencing, water, soil health, animal health, seeding, forage, funding and programs, direct-marketing, local networks, etc.

Insight and answers will be provided by the GrassWorks grazing community: members and advisors, as well as agency and university affiliates.

Grassland 2.0 is a collaborative project involving producers, researchers, policy makers and supply chain players working together to create a pathway toward a regenerative food and farming system that delivers stable profits for farmers, rural community vitality and protection of the ecosystem on which we all depend. Grassland 2.0 seeks to reshape Midwestern agriculture as a perennial, livestock-integrated, grazing-based system in the image of the original native prairies (Grassland 1.0).

To do this, we need your help! We are taking an integrated approach, working to develop technical and financial tools, expand grass-fed markets, cultivate positive institutional policy changes, and empower producers and consumers to make that vision a reality. Your ideas will fuel this transformation! Please take a minute to share your ideas via this link: www.grasslandag.org

If you have questions, or would like more information on the Grassland 2.0 project, reach out anytime to our Grassland 2.0 outreach coordinator Laura Paine at: lkpaine@wisc.edu, 608-338-9039 or 1575 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706


While you are visiting our website:

Check out Pasture Walks in your area to gain first hand knowledge from experienced graziers.

Order your Grazing Guide which explains the steps to successful grazing practices.

Order your Grazing Stick to help you decide when the time is right to move your livestock.

If you're hosting a grazing event in your area - please send us a copy to place on our Calendar of Events. Check back often to find out about local pasture walks, demonstrations, workshops or network conferences.

EDUCATION is one of GrassWorks' greatest resources. In our continued efforts to bring you, producers and consumers, the most current information on Managed Grazing. Please take a moment to browse our site. We have many educational resources (fact sheetsgrazing guides, pasture sticks and articles/book titles) for you to use in the management of your operation or share with your local agency personnel or policy makers.


Meet the GrassWorks 2024 Board Of Directors:

 Deb Jakubek (President), Drew Carlson (Vice-President), Rick Adamski (Treasurer), Chris Johnson (Secretary)

Jeff Boyd, Joseph Childs, Amy Fenn, Kirsten Jurcek, Aaron Pape, Leslie Svacina, Melissa Weyland

Wisconsin's rainfall simulator is a tool used to teach soil health principles to landowners, farmers, and the general public.