Learn, Volunteer, and Connect!

Summer Grazing Schools

Join our 2-day hands-on grazing intensives that will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to implement managed grazing on your land.

  • Marshfield Agricultural Research Station
    August 9th and 10th, 2024
  • Lancaster Agricultural Research Station
    September 27th and 28th, 2024
Grazing School

Mentoring Program

Recieve one-on-one mentorship from an experienced grazier through our new mentorship program. In this first year, a select number of mentors and mentees will be paired. They will recieve training and guidance from GrassWorks to support learning goals.

Sign-up to recieve updates on registration.

Volunteer With Us!

The best way to plug into GrassWorks work advancing grass-based agriculture is to join a GrassWorks committee. Committees include finance, technology, governance, conference, partnership, and program committees.

If you'd like to contribute in other ways, let us know! Reach out to info@grassworks.org or comment in the following sign-up form.

Board Meeting
GA Dream Port Harvest Market 2 March 2023

Grazing Ambassador Program

Want to share your passion for grazing with the public? Become a Grazing Ambassador and connect with new communities to foster greater public understanding and interest about the practices of grazing.

GrassWorks will provide presentation resources and a stipend for each of your engagements.

Reach out to outreach@grassworks.org to learn more!

Build Your Network

Attend our Annual Grazing Conference and Annual Picnic to meet like-minded graziers. Check out our statewide grazing events calendar to see grazing workshops, pasture walks, conferences, and webinars by GrassWorks and its partners.

Annual Picnic 2015

Professional Training

For over a decade, the G-Team has coordinated professional development workshops, pasture walks, and field demonstrations. These meetings and trainings are a great opportunity to learn more about advanced grazing topics and network with other grazing enthusiasts/professionals from around the state representing various agencies, TSPs, and educators.

Become a Member

GrassWorks is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that links farmers with resources they need to be successful graziers. Become part of the community of successful farmers who are keeping Wisconsin clean, green and profitable. Join Today!
