What is Managed Grazing?

Managed Grazing is a farming method in which livestock are rotated through paddocks of high quality legumes and grasses, which are then allowed to rest and re-grow. Farmers who utilize this method call themselves “graziers.” Graziers work with natural relationships and biological processes in order to reduce the need for off-farm inputs, preserve and improve natural resources, protect habitat for wildlife, keep their animals healthy and productive, produce high quality meat, eggs and dairy products for local food systems, secure a high quality of life for themselves and their families and restore rural communities.

To learn more about managed grazing or to help other people in your community understand how it works and why it matters, download this introductory Managed Grazing Presentation. Whether you are talking to farmers, high school students, a local church group or policy makers, you can use this presentation to help organize important principles and illustrate key points.

Who is GrassWorks?

GrassWorks is a membership organization that provides leadership and education to farmers and consumers for the advancement of managed grass-based agriculture to benefit present and future generations.

We represent graziers and work to make farm policy fair for managed grazing farmers. We increase awareness of the benefits of managed grazing among farmers, policy makers and the general public. We advocate for changes in public policy that recognize managed grazing as a tool for improving the quality of our food, the quality of our environment, the stewardship of animals, the profitability of our farms and the respect for farming as an honorable and meaningful vocation.

GrassWorks communicates via this web-site, fact sheets, presentations, the Grazing Guidebook, newsletters, the annual Grazing Conference, other agricultural conference and trade shows, field days and pasture walks. We link regional grazing networks in collaborative efforts to share resources and activities.

GrassWorks partners with public agencies in delivering services, funding and programs. We have alliances with other groups including, farm groups, non-profits, consumer groups, environmental groups, education groups and businesses. Take a look at our 2013-2018 Strategic Plan and our 2019-2025 Strategic Plan to learn more about our past efforts and future goals.

Our Grazing Ambassadors Program connects Wisconsin farmers with non-farming communities in order to develop broad literacy about the practice and benefits of managed grazing.

GrassWorks facilitates on-farm research by members and works with science professionals through the Wisconsin Institute of Sustainable Agriculture (WISA) Research Program. We gather information on the impacts of managed grazing in our communities, our environment and our society. We gather data to support and encourage needed policy changes.

GrassWorks encourages young people to begin farming through Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship. We inspire older people to re-connect with their land and become farmers again. We recognize and support the pioneers and grazing advocates who plant the seeds of a better tomorrow.

Our Goal is to continue to advance managed grazing as an important component of agricultural production in Wisconsin and the USA.

GrassWorks Statement on Racial Equity:  We believe in and stand for values of inclusion, equity and justice.  We condemn all discrimination in rhetoric or action.