G-Team for Technical Service Providers
Networking and education for grazing technical service providers.
A vibrant network
The G-Team brings together passionate technical service providers focusing on the improvement and advancement of managed grazing and perennial, forage-based agricultural systems. For over a decade, the G-Team has coordinated professional development workshops, pasture walks, and field demonstrations. These meetings and trainings are a great opportunity to learn more about advanced grazing topics and network with other grazing enthusiasts and professionals from around the state representing various agencies, technical service providers, and educators.
Our steering committee consists of representatives from: NRCS, WI DNR, UW Extension, Savannah Institute, GrassWorks, WAPAC, WI Land & Water, Glacierland RC&D, Grassland 2.0, Tilth Agronomy, UW CIAS, and DATCP.
Connecting Ag Professionals
The G-Team is open and intended for Agricultural Professionals that work with and are interested in Managed Grazing. This can include:
- Agency staff
- Researchers
- Non-profit partner organizations
- Crop consultants
- TSPs
There is great value in sharing information amongst the group from all the perspectives represented. Peer-to-peer learning and networking is powerful in advancing and expanding Managed Grazing practices across the state.

Peer-to-Peer Learning
G-Team meetings and events cover a range of advanced grazing topics including:
- Improved grazing management
- Cropland grazing
- New NRCS practices
- Dairy heifer grazing
- Silvopasture
- Grazing annuals and cover crops
- Developing forage chains
- Grazing plan writing
- And many other topics pertinent to the grazing community.
Trainings occur roughly quarterly, with additional events and trainings when there’s pertinent information to share with the group. There’s no commitment to join or attend all events. Join us for those that are useful to you and your clients.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Many of the G-Team events qualify for CEUs for Agricultural Professionals, in addition to the valuable information that is shared.
Previous Events Include
- NE Dairy Heifer Training and Field Day
- Drought Management Discussion and Resources
- Audubon Conservation Ranching Program
- Grazing on Cropland Training
- Winter Management – Grazing Cover Crops and Annuals
- Savannah Institute Tour – Silvopasture Training
- Dairy Heifer Compass Tool Training and Producer Panel